This may be the most important blog post you ever read. Why? Because did you know existing customers are 8x more likely to shop with you than someone who never has? Plus, remember the ol 80/20 rule? 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your customers. Well, answer this question for me then. How are you currently getting back in front of your existing customers outside of email that has 10% open rates and direct mail that is expensive? What if we could show you how to get back in front of people on a consistent basis and have it be pennies in comparison to direct mail and more effective than email. Read on!

We help you target 3 core audiences with the help of Facebook and Instagram. How do we do this? Simple, we upload your POS data (customers) inside Facebook and then Facebook goes to work on matching this to a persons Facebook profile giving us the ability to advertise to them. Now, let us hit on three steps we will take after the audience is ready to go inside Facebook.

  • 1. Craft an offer we will advertise to them

Similar to a recent blog post we did on new customers the same goes with your existing customers. You need an offer to give them to encourage them to come back. Now, you can choose not to give them an offer or a discount. But, it will not be as effective. Ask yourself this. If you saw an ad with an item on Facebook without a sale or discount, would you take action? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t. We do not have to give them a discount, we just encourage it.

  • 2. Segment based on type of customer

There are so many ways you can slice and dice your customers. Top 500? Top 1,000? How about by brand of product you sell? Type of product? Male/Female? We will work with you an help you understand what makes the most sense. Truly, the most beautiful thing about Facebook advertising is the ability to constantly test. At Omni Digital Group we will then help you create all of the ads. Take a look at our graphic design samples to get a feel for that!

  • 3. Measure everything

Again, we will hit on this in a future blog post but Facebook gives you the ability to see how ads you run on Facebook and Instagram translated into in-store sales. Pretty cool, huh? Why is this so important? Again, it is vital you are tracking this. Because if you don’t it is like throwing darts in the dark. How do you know if it hit?

Let us help you reach your existing customers and increase the revenue of your business.

P.S. - We helped one customer in particular double what the top 500 customers to his business was worth from $165 to over $350.

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Tracking Your ROI
