Traditional vs Digital Advertising
I recently talked to a retailer about their traditional advertising and how they tracked their results through this. They focused primarily on radio and TV. The retailer even made the comment that they struggled to gauge the success of the campaign after a while as well.
They want to give us little in the area of digital media spend on their campaigns. It really got me thinking... why are people willing to spend money on traditional advertising (radio, TV, and paper) when they know it doesn't work vs spending money on digital when we have tools to track the ROI for a brick and mortar company.
I personally believe it is doing what they've always done and a little fear as well. But, when we all know retailers getting crushed why would their advertising spend still be so much higher on the traditional side? This question always gets us thinking at Omni Digital Group.
For example, we are able to now track retailer in-store purchase data and cross-reference it with their social media activity and track their ROI. Try doing that with a radio ad!
Think outside the box as a retailer, that is how you compete with the biggest companies.
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