(After) You Are A Customer Of Omni Digital Group
Congrats! You are now a customer of Omni Digital Group! We are going to walk through our entire process of how we think about the specific campaigns we run, the targeting strategies we implement and overall our entire process we take clients though. Buckle up and enjoy the read.
1) Initial Onboarding Email
Once you have signed a proposal with us and we agree on all the terms you will get an email that outlines our monthly calendar and other info needed. Here at Omni Digital Group, we typically run anywhere from 2-3 campaigns per month depending on the month and the advertising budget. Anymore than that and you water down the results as well as don’t get the full capabilities out of the Facebook algorithm working in your favor. Included in this email will be a digital onboarding form with everything we will need in order to help make you successful. Items such as logins to social platforms, contact info, goals, KPI’s we are aiming for, etc. We also outline when you can expect to see things from us. Here is a basic understanding of this and what we provide:
- Analytics Report: On the first of the month you will get an analytics report automatically sent to you. This will include metrics such as advertising spend, likes, comments, clicks, shares, video views, and other social media forms of engagement.
- Monthly Email: Monthly, you will get an automated email from us asking about the campaigns for the next month. It is a simple form similar to the onboarding form that will help us keep track of what we work with you on monthly.
- Monthly ROI Report: By the 10th of the month we will get to you the sales results from the prior month. We will need key pieces of data from you we will outline in our onboarding call/meeting.
- Dropbox: We will send to you via email a file folder to share in-store content with us as far as pictures and videos.
Best use for this is to label by gender, brand, and model and any other general info on the product.
- Graphics Approval: We will give you access to our graphic approval software for the graphics we will create monthly and for specific campaigns.
2) Initial Onboarding Call
During our initial onboarding call we will get to know each other more in depth as well as talk about all the information you submitted in the onboarding form. We will discuss expectations, communication guidelines, as well as initial campaigns. We will complete getting access to accounts such as Facebook and talk about more in depth aspects of your business such as top product, major goals and items we can really help you with. Here is the bottom line – We want to help you hit your goals.
We will also talk about an important aspect of what we do and that is tracking the results of your ads. Each month right after the month end we will ask for this report. We need specific data points in order for Facebook to try and match people who engaged with ads to people who came in and then purchased.
3) Initial Content/Campaigns
After the onboarding call we will go to work preparing the actual initial campaigns and ads inside Facebook and Instagram we discussed. We will ask for anywhere from 30-40 photos from you after our onboarding call and we can either pull this from pictures or videos you and your team have, or we can also pull from your website and your eCommerce shop. Our designers, which we have two on staff, will then take these graphics and design based on campaigns goals and verbiage discussed. Then, we will put them into our content management tool for you to approve or disapprove and recommend changes.
4) Launching Campaigns
Once the graphics and are approved we will invite you to your Facebook ads account so you can see all the ads we have created fully developed and complete. We operate on 30-60 day sprints inside Omni Digital Group. We let the campaigns run and check the ROI after 30 days and make sure we are up to standard on where we want to be based on the engagement of the campaigns and looking at Facebook’s data.
5) Monthly Agenda
· 1st of the month you get your analytics report sent via email.
· 10th of the month you get the ROI report from the prior month campaigns results.
· 15th of the month you get an email asking you about next month’s plans and what we need to design and have completed over next 2-3 weeks.
· 20th – 27th we will have out monthly phone call and talk about prior months results and look at the next 30-45 days and future campaigns.
· Last day of the month we then launch new campaigns with newly developed ads.
6) Rinse and repeat the process
Advertising is really quite simple, don’t let anyone over complicate for you. We essentially need your campaign ideas or promotions, have our team develop graphics and creative, run them against our strategies (which we will outline more in depth below), and then check the results to know how to pivot or change the next 30 days.
Now, let’s walk through our advertising process here at Omni Digital to give you a flavor of when we build out these campaigns what we actually execute on down to the nitty gritty. We are going to separate them down to where Facebook actually does inside their advertising platform for simplicity but again, we want to keep it simple and straightforward.
· Campaign objectives/Budget
Here at Omni Digital Group, we typically run a couple different objective types inside Facebook. There are 10+ different types but we stick to 4-5.
1. Link Click Campaigns – The desired result is to drive people to your website and a specific page.
2. Engagement Campaigns – Trying to get Facebook to get likes, comments, and shares of yout audience.
3. Reach Campaigns – Trying to get Facebook to show the ad in front of as many people as possible.
4. Video View Campaigns – Obviously, this is when we run video ads and the desired result is a completion of 100% of the video.
5. Conversion Campaigns – If you have an eCommerce store and this is one of the campaign objectives we desire a purchase and someone actually buying from the ad.
The other major thing here is the campaign budget. If your monthly budget is $500 we recommend only doing 2 campaigns or roughly $250 per campaign is really the minimum to give you an idea.
· Audiences/Ad Set
At the ad set level is where you select who you will actually advertise to. At Omni Digital, we focus on three core audiences and we label them – Cold, Warm, and Hot.
Cold – Someone who has NEVER engaged with you, been to your website, it not a customer, does not like your Facebook or Instagram page. These will be BRAND new customers.
Warm – These are individuals who have engaged with you on your website, like your Facebook page, or say watched a video but ARE NOT a customer.
Hot – These are individuals who HAVE purchased from you in the past. They are existing customers.
Once you have these customers established it is important to have some parameters when you are going after especially new customers. If you live in an area where there is over 1 million people in an area you could be advertising to over 900,000 people who will never purchase from you. So, it is important to use Look-A-Like audiences inside Facebook. These can be based on say your customers or Facebook page followers. Facebook essentially tries to find people in your area of 30 miles who look, act, feel, like the same pages, etc. of these people. Why is this important? Because then you are being very efficient with your advertising dollar.
Another very important aspect we feel not many other advertisers do or know about is to exclude the warm and hot audiences from this audience. Why? Because let’s say you want to show an introductory offer to these new customers and do not want your existing customers to see it you want to make sure they’re not being targeted. This is a simple but very effective strategy.
Another important part is for Link click ads and reach ads as stated above you can run dynamic creative ads. This is when you can upload 10 images into one ad and then Facebook will show people all the graphics over time and then eventually show the top performing 1-2 images that get the lowest desired end result.
Let’s dive a bit more into the warm and hot audiences and give you an idea of the types of campaigns you can run. Here is the biggest thing I want you to take away from this article if you take nothing else away.
With digital advertising you can be very contextual to the end audiences and make very specific ads to them. You just can’t do this with traditional advertising and if you are tryin to do this, talk with us. Let’s go through some examples below.
One of our favorite warm audiences to target are people who have visited your website but ARE NOT a customer. The reason this is so important is that they have shown interest by more than likely finding you on a Google search. Why not show ads to them? Now, you need to have the Facebook pixel installed and this is something we do for all of our customer is install this and execute using it properly. If you don’t this installed, please do so by searching for “Facebook Pixel” on Google.
One of our favorite ways to utilize the customer audiences is by downloading from your POS the customer of a specific brand. For many of our customers, they are shoe retailers. We ask them there top 3-5 brands they sell. Then, we get these segmented lists and use this over time for the campaigns! Very efficient and effective as you can see. Think about it, if someone has bought from you in the past more than likely they will be at least a similar item in the future if not the exact same item. We humans are creatures of habit, we hate change. Use his to your advantage.
Now for the final part when it comes to Facebook and Instagram advertising are the ads themselves. There are only two parts to all advertising.
1. Who you will show an ad too
2. What will you show them
That is, it. Have you ever thought about that? That is why we recommend showing products directly to the audience you are targeting. It has been our experience working with dozens of shoe retailers and running thousands of ads that showing 20 pictures of your top selling shoes will yield a higher long term return than general graphics or non-product ads.
Here are two other major things we recommend you think about when it comes to driving sales results. Your new customer offer and your existing customer offer. Most retailers we talk with do have a new customer offer they just don’t talk about it enough or advertise it or don’t know how. Next, is your existing customer offer. A lot of the stores we talk with have a rewards program which is amazing. Let us help you push this program so the next time your CUSTOMERS are in they ask about it or at least know you have it. We also see where some retailers have customer who have no idea they have a reward credit and we can advertise directly to these people.
As for the graphics themselves, we design them in-house with our team. We recommend at little verbiage as possible just due to Facebook 20% rule but to have your logo and a little verbiage if possible, on them as well. That way, it does catch the person scrolling through their newsfeed.
We hope you have enjoyed this comprehensive article on how Omni Digital Group operates and encourage you to talk through this with us. We make it as easy as possible for our customers and can make it easy on you as well. Give us a call or email today
Kody Fitzjerrells