Customer Retention As A Retailer

As a retailer, how do you get someone to return after their first visit to your store?

We believe at Omni Digital Group it all starts with GOOD DATA. Marketing has become a data game.

How do you re-market to them? Whether that is through direct mail or social media like we specialize in here at Omni Digital Group, you must have good data.

Did you know, if you have someone's first/last name, phone number, and email you can place ads in front of them on Facebook and Instagram and get them back in your store?

Now, you need to know how to do this type of targeting BUT it all starts with you as a retailer getting this info in the first place.

Ask yourself this, what if you would get each customer that shops with you over the course of a year for the FIRST time to return just ONE more time that year.

What type of revenue increase would you see from this?

Let the fireworks begin because that is called GROWTH.

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Lifetime Value Of Customers


Customer Success